As Amy mentioned in Episode 15, Social Venture Partners Dallas published her reflection on her experience in the Dominican Republic. See below for the link to her commentary.
Proximity & Dichotomy: Lessons from the Dominican Republic Related Links: Social Venture Partners Dallas Dove Missions Dominican Starfish Foundation Global Education, Inc.
1 Comment
Reid Baker returns for some back-and-forth on Evergreen College and how that controversy illuminates different approaches to equality. We also discuss Colorado's Masterpiece Cakes legal battle and how we would prepare our underground bunkers in the event of an apocalypse.
Note for chapter skippers: Our first segments runs about 20 minutes this time instead of the typical 15.
Promoted Links:
Belly Yoga & Beyond (Amy's beleaguered and understanding goat yoga instructor) Selected Links: HuffPo: Evergreen State College Implosion NYTimes Opinion: When the Left Turns on its Own The Joe Rogan Experience: Bret Weinstein The Hidden Brain: Shankar Vedantam on Unconscious Biases Harvard: Implicit Bias Self-test The Economist: Can a baker refuse to make a gay wedding cake? WaPo: Supreme Court Takes Colorado Baker Case BuzzFeed: Luxury Bunker Survival Quiz
Angel Perez joins us to ask: Is it finally time to quit Uber? Why are certain types of comedy popular? And is Impossible Foods the future of plant-based "meat"?
We've removed this episode from our hosting platform, but please check out some of our highlights here!
Selected Links: Business Insider: Uber's Bad Year The Guardian: Uber's sexual harassment case shines light on a startup's culture of defiance Impossible Foods Vox: Why this "bloody" veggie burger may become the Tesla of food Amy's taste test pictures below:
A little taste (pun intended) of a side conversation stemming from our discussion of the Impossible Burger in next week's episode.
We've removed this episode from our hosting platform, but please check out some of our highlights here!
ScheduleNew episodes every other Monday.
June 2019